Rabu, 6 Desember 2023 – 10:00 WIB
Jakarta – President Director and Chief Executive Officer of Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR), Anindya Novyan Bakrie reported several business performance achievements from the BNBR subsidiary in several industrial fields.
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For the environmentally friendly building construction industry, Anindya Bakrie ensured that currently BNBR through Modula Sustainability Indonesia (Modula), is in the process of making investment.
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Investments are disbursed through BNBR’s subsidiary in the construction sector, specifically carried out in the 3-dimensional printing construction technology subsector, or 3D concrete printing (3DCP).
The investment, which was made by cooperating with COBOD International, Bakrie admitted that it would begin to show the 3-dimensional printed house around the second quarter of 2024.
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“It’s expected that in January 2024, Modula will bring in a machine with 3D printing technology and start building sample houses in the second quarter of 2024,” Bakrie said at Bakrie Tower, Jakarta, on Tuesday.
The cooperation between Modula and COBOD will be realized in the form of establishing a company called Modula Tiga Dimensi.
This joint venture company will carry out marketing and market development roles in Indonesia, as well as all business activities related to 3DCP technology.
Meanwhile, in the new renewable energy (EBT) industry, another BNBR business unit, Helio Synar Energi, has reportedly successfully installed a rooftop solar power plant (PLTS) facility at the Braja Mukti Cakra (BMC) factory, Bekasi, West Java.
Bakrie explained that the rooftop solar power plant with a capacity of 317.7 kW (kilowatt-peak) is capable of producing up to 434 MWh (megawatt-hours) of electrical energy per year.
He also estimated that the total CO2 sequestered per year from this rooftop solar power plant is expected to reach 289.62 tons.
“After BMC, Helio will also soon build rooftop solar power plants in factories and other operational facilities within the Bakrie Group, with a larger capacity,” he remarked.
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This joint venture company will carry out marketing and market development roles in Indonesia, as well as all business activities related to 3DCP technology.
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